Night Night Rambles

An ant stowed away from Illinois to Florida one summer and then wrote to his folks when he had arrived.
Here's what he wrote
Dear Grandma
Hope this finds you doing well. I arrived just as I told you I would and the weather here is toasty.
There are so many trees here and I'd tell you this, I've never seen so many cousins ahem, other ants. Grandma, they are not afraid, they come out in the daytime and at night.
I had stopped one of the ants; I'd call him cousin Art and asked him why do you or wait,  why are you unafraid  of human giants? He told me, "if you're afraid, you go hungry, so we are bold and go out." The human giants clean more and the ones who dont we feast, it's not cold here so we work all year round."
Grandma, I nodded at this knowledge I just heard and followed him around.
You have to move here Grandma, there is so much here and wait. I have to add, the ants here can swim.

I have to go Grandma. I'd write soon, bye


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